18" x 24" Oil on Hardboard
Oh boy - this one was a challenge with each stroke yielding a delighted sigh or an “oops”. Not sure if it’s finished so will look at it for a while before signing. Painting glass may be addictive since I can hardly wait to arrange the next still life!
“Fruit and Glass” was started by toning the support with a neutral warm acrylic and transferring a very detailed drawing. The under painting was roughed in with acrylic before the switch to oils. The pears were painted with many thin transparent glazes as was the blue glass. The dark behind the pears is a deep green - not black as it appears in this photo. Romantically realistic - I do like this one!
Currently a portrait of my mother is on one easel and two commissioned portraits on others. The next still life reflective glass painting will get a back burner for now…