Wednesday, January 20, 2021


 16" X 20" Oil on Canvas

Here in Southwest Florida alligators are our neighbors and sometimes nuisances when they wander away from their limited habitats finding their ways into our garages, carports, and sometimes into a swimming pool!  They frequent golf courses seldom posing any threat but can be a  real danger to our pets.  At this link you can see just what I’m talking about! 

Sadly more and more we have encroached into their territory.  On our daily walk at a local park we pass the signs that read, “Do Not Feed the Alligator”.  I haven’t seen one there but wouldn’t go into that pond!  

The “model” for this painting posed at the end of a dock in another local park and didn’t seem to mind my taking a few photos! Maybe not the most handsome of creatures but totally magnificent in their own way.