This 14" x 11" oil on canvas portrait was my entry in the 2011 Gamblin Artist Materials Torit Grey Competition.
In a nutshell, every spring, Gamblin collects pigments from their Torit® Air Filtration system. They filter the air around the areas where dry pigments are handled so workers are not exposed to pigment dust. Rather than sending any of the high quality, expensive pigments into the landfill, Gamblin paint makers recycle them into "Gamblin Torrit Grey". Each spring in a Torrit Grey store promotion, through the end of April in celebration of Earth Day, participating retailers give customers a free tube of Torit Grey.
This year my special tube was mailed to me by my dear artist friend Zena King. She is fortunate enough to live near Jerry's Artarama in Raleigh, N.C. You may see all entries including Zena's and mine in the Gallery.
I am happy with the painting and grandson loves it and, while it was not one of the four top winners, all participants received a nice letter from Gamblin's Product Manager along with three 37ml tubes of paint and nice color brochures indroducing their oil paint colors and mediums. Since there is no entry fee - this is a win-win challenge!