Last year dear friend and award winning fine artist Irene Zibolis flew to Los Angeles to spend time with her lovely, talented granddaughter Alexis, who recently completed her second season starring in the online soap opera DeVanity, winner Best Soap Opera 2011, and who is busy with a number current acting projects!
On her personal website Alexis describes herself as " a silly, vivacious, and unique actress and human being". You can see her resume with lots of photos and video clips here. Via her grandparents I have followed her career since high school beauty pageant days! Kinda makes me feel like a proud "Auntie Rose"!
When Irene asked me if I would be interested in painting this portrait to commemorate their special time together, I jumped at the chance, and grandparents Zibolis are thrilled with their portrait, 20" x 16", Oil on Canvas. Life is good!