"My Song" 36" x 48" oil on stretched canvas
Last March - one year ago - my blog came into being with an older oil, "My Song" the first painting posted. Somehow it seems fitting to post it again since, as my all-time favorite, it's the one I consider my "signature piece". And, yes, I sold it - almost before the paint was dry! Didn't mean to sell it! Entered it in a show with a price way beyond what I thought someone would pay and, at the end of the show, it went to live in Brevard, North Carolina. The collector sent a photo of the painting on her wall in a lovely room which warmed my heart! That was so thoughtful of her and showed me "My Song" had found a special home! The painting began as a self portrait of me at my piano - well, didn't end up being "me" exactly but is a good portrait of my piano!
This year has flown by and via the blog, I have a journal showing me what I've painted and a reminder that I probably need to accelerate! Last March I had no idea whatsoever that anyone outside my family would ever visit, or that I would meet so many wonderful people and become blogging friends with artists around the world! Thanks to each and every one of you who visit and especially to you who leave comments! You mean more to me than you know! My intent is to make the posts more interesting in the year to come and to visit your sites more frequently and to leave comments!