Saturday, December 25, 2021



Wow!  What a year - with global events happening almost daily!  Thankfully our family stayed safe and healthy.  We spent the summer in Maggie Valley NC and, yes, I did paint but was totally lax in posting to the blog.  I promise to do better in the coming year.

The wonderful Crafted in Carolina Gallery closed its doors and we parted in the spring.  Best wishes to Beth and Mark Craft in their future endeavors.

Right now I'm waiting to hear if my painting has been juried into the National Art Exhibit at the Visual Art Center, Punta Gorda, Fl for the show in February.  Shows are coming up next month in Cape Coral and Venice.  Busy time of year for all of us!  

A makeover is planned for my website so stay tuned.

Thank you Dear Friends who continue to support my passion, purchase paintings, attend shows, text, email,  and come by the studio - means so very much to me.  

And thanks to our grandniece Delaney who posed for this painting.     

Merry Christmas and a healthy happy New Year!                                       

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